

Glutathione is your body’s master anti-oxidant. The Glutathione Infusion is perfect when your immune system has taken a hit and will help boost your body's ability to detoxify. Used for post toxin exposure, it is also recommended for post-chemotherapy treatment to help the body rid itself of toxins. This is a backbone of therapy for people who have had exposure to mycotoxins (mold), environmental toxins, chemical toxins as well as chemotherapy.

Increased energy

Slows down the aging process

Reduces muscle and joint discomfort

Strengthens immune system

Whitens and brightens the skin

Improves mental focus and clarity

Improves quality of sleep

This Infusion contains only high-quality, preservative-free Glutathione

In total an IV drip takes around 30-45 minutes. We always have a special offers.


B-COMPLEX — for mood regulation, and healthy hair, skin + nails
MAGNESIUM — for nerve and muscle function, mood, natural relaxant
B5 — for digestion, and healthy hair, skin + nails
VITAMIN C — for immune system health and tissue repair
B6 — for body to store and use energy more efficiently
CALCIUM — for teeth, bone health and blood pressure
ZINC — for immune system, metabolism and healing
GLUTATHIONE — for reducing oxidative stress